As human beings, it is inevitable that we sometimes make decisions that seem logical and right in the moment only to discover later that we sacrificed something important and necessary. In these cases, and with varying degrees of intentionality, we neglect to consider long-term consequences and how we might actually be undermining the very outcomes we seek.
Consider the multi-decade trend to reduce the focus on—and support for—the arts in the school curriculum, “the arts” encompassing the many various branches and presentations of creative activity and expression. It may have seemed that placing greater focus on and giving more time to academics would lead directly to higher test scores and greater student academic success, yet progress has been a struggle and greater pressure has not led to expected levels of achievement. Meanwhile, student behavior seems to have become more challenging and traditional consequences have become less effective.
It’s time to reconsider the role of the arts and explore how the presence of arts education in the core curriculum can help us to achieve our goals of increasing academic performance and building learning and life skills. Rather than defaulting to the perception that the arts are extraneous “nice-to-haves” or simply scheduling add-ons, we should consider what multiple research studies tell us about the impact of the arts on learning and life skills. Here are ten areas of impact to consider:
- Better critical thinking. Experiences in the arts can increase students’ abilities to closely observe and remain focused. They nurture analytical skills. The arts ask students to practice introspection and interpretation, and engagement in the arts encourages exploration from multiple perspectives.
- Stronger communication skills. The arts offer multiple ways to express oneself. They are a means for connecting with others, reinforcing the importance of communication while broadening its application. The arts value rich descriptions, interesting images, and varied expression, all of which support the development of crucial communication skills.
- More effective problem-solving skills. The arts often present interesting questions and beg for creative responses, thus inviting novel ideas and innovative approaches to resolve a dilemma or address an issue. Students are free to try multiple approaches and discover unexpected answers. Rather than attempting to calibrate a response to a predetermined outcome, the arts invite risk and exploration in resolving conflicts and solving problems.
- Greater willingness to take initiative. The arts are less driven by templates and restrictions than some other areas. Students are encouraged to develop ideas and create products that are meaningful to them. As a result, students are freer to follow their preferences, express themselves, and take initiative than in many other formal learning contexts.
- Improved self-discipline. The arts reinforce the importance of practice, persistence, and progress before becoming proficient. For example, learning to play an instrument or master a certain visual technique is not necessarily self-reinforcing in the early stages of skill development. Goal pursuit, progress monitoring, strategy selection, and aligned effort are key elements for success in the arts.
- Greater responsiveness to constructive criticism. The arts typically tolerate multiple responses or answers to a challenge or idea. Since there is no single right answer, the arts can lead to multiple final products, all with value deserving of celebration. Consequently, students learn to accept constructive criticism without feeling that they have made an error. They learn to gracefully receive a critique and use it to improve.
- More creativity. The arts can help students see connections and patterns and can build confidence to imagine. They provide a reason, context, and motivation to be creative. Originality is encouraged—and celebrated—in the arts.
- Stronger teamwork. The arts encourage interpersonal skills within a context of purpose and in pursuit of achieving a shared outcome. Through the arts, students can experience authentic, constructive interactions with other students. These experiences help to build interpersonal skills and give students opportunities to learn to manage their emotions and express their viewpoints effectively.
- Increased empathy. The arts offer exposure to different viewpoints and types of people. The arts help students to see the world outside of themselves, with experiences in the arts helping students to become more tolerant of the ideas of others. The arts encourage students to become more compassionate and accepting of diverse thinking and perceptions.
- Better stress tolerance. While the arts build skills and emphasize processes, they are less insistent on a single answer or outcome. The arts can offer permission for students to have fun. When students experience more freedom to express and be themselves, they typically experience less stress while, at the same time, build more tolerance for it.
It should come at no surprise that many studies have shown that students who are engaged in the arts do better academically, are better behaved, and graduate at higher rates. The arts build key skills and nurture foundational characteristics that are easily transferred to and applied in academic subjects and life. We do our students a disservice when we do not include arts education in the core curriculum.

The Master Teacher is the creator of the new Museum of Art + Light (MOA+L) in Manhattan, Kansas. It was built at this time because the research is so clear that children who are in the visual and performing arts in our schools out-perform all other students, and this is particularly important in this new high-tech era. The Master Teacher passionately supports the arts and advocates for arts education to be an integral component within the public-school core curriculum. The first of its kind, the MOA+L boasts its unique vision to explore the limitless convergence of visual art, the creative process, and digital technology. Its mission is to bridge 21st century technology with the visual and performing arts to incite positive emotion, cultivate meaningful connections, encourage artistic exploration, and spark innovation.