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Summer is quickly passing and before we know it, we will be starting a new school year. The list of tasks we need to complete before students arrive is important. However, physical preparations are only one part of the process of readying for the new year—we also need to give attention to our mental and emotional readiness.

Hopefully, we have been able to take advantage of the summer to decompress, refocus our attention, and refresh our spirits. As the beginning of the fall semester approaches, we might spend some time reacquainting ourselves with the ideas, insights, and experiences we want to bring with us. We also might revisit and reevaluate key routines and rituals on which we have relied and adjust them to increase our efficiency, comfort, and effectiveness. Further, we might consider relationships we want to nurture and renew for companionship, support, and guidance in the coming months.

Fortunately, investing as little as one hour to engage in some reflection, personal renewal, and relationship management can give us a jumpstart. Consider the following three areas of focus using a 5-4-3-2-1 approach to guide your thinking and preparation. A detailed plan or to-do list may not be necessary, but you might want to jot a few notes as you reflect to revisit later.


Reflect on your learning priorities by identifying:

  • 5 things you tried with students that worked well.
  • 4 strategies you want to try.
  • 3 things you want to fix.
  • 2 things you still want to learn.
  • 1 misstep you want to avoid.


Plan your mental and emotional health strategy by identifying:

  • 5 daily routines that serve you well.
  • 4 affirmations that will keep you grounded and focused.
  • 3 commitments you need to make to remain well-balanced and healthy.
  • 2 habits you want to develop.
  • 1 habit you want to break.


Consider who feeds your spirit and gives you energy by identifying:

  • 5 people with whom you want to continue to connect.
  • 4 people with whom you want to form a stronger relationship.
  • 3 people with whom you want to explore a relationship.
  • 2 people with whom you have a relationship that needs renewal or repair.
  • 1 person you need to avoid.

We can easily become preoccupied by the long list of physical preparations associated with beginning a new school year. However, we also need to make mental and emotional preparations a priority if we hope to launch and enjoy a satisfying and successful year.

Thought for the Week

Will we choose to be thermometers that report and reflect reality, or will we be thermostats that refuse to accept what is as inevitable and act to shift reality and build cultures that are strong, resilient, and responsive?

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