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The first days of a new school year are typically filled with anticipation and excitement—and some nervousness. As teachers, we are engaged in a new beginning. We have an agenda and a plan, and we can shape the path that lies ahead.

Students experience many of the same feelings. However, they have less control over what lies ahead and thus feel even more uncertainty about what the experience will be like. Consequently, they come with many questions, even if they may not ask them explicitly.

As we think about the first days of the new year, we might consider the questions students will have so that we can think about how we will answer them in ways that set a positive tone and preview an attractive, meaningful, and reassuring start to their learning journey. Here are six questions we can be sure are on students’ minds and to which they are hoping for answers.

“Is my teacher interested in me?” For students we have not had in the past, the first week of school is too early to have a relationship, but students will be looking for clues to discern whether a positive relationship is likely. Do we greet students as they arrive in our classroom? Do we make eye contact and notice their presence? Is it obvious that we are committed to learning their names? Are we interested in learning something about them?

“Do I feel like I am accepted and belong?” We might plan some community-building activities to help students reconnect with existing friends and discover potential new friends. We can share the classroom behavior norms and rules, including the reasons behind them. Even better, we can engage students in the discussion and development of norms and behavior expectations. When we do, they will be more likely to feel ownership of and accept and abide by what is decided. Remember: Students will be asking themselves whether they can be themselves or if they must monitor and modify their behavior to fit in.

“What is expected of me?” Students are likely to want to know if they will be expected to sit and listen, or if they will be invited and encouraged to contribute ideas, insights, and experiences. Will learning be directed or co-constructed? We can share examples of how we will design and approach learning tasks and challenges. We might share an estimate of how much out-of-class time students should expect to spend on assignments and projects. We should also consider discussing how much background knowledge will be necessary to succeed in this class and how we will help students to fill any knowledge gaps.

“What am I going to learn?” This is a time to “sell” what we intend to teach. Students will likely be asking themselves whether the content sounds interesting and how they might use or benefit from what they will learn. This is a great time to answer the “why” of learning the content and skills we will be introducing and nurturing during the class.

“Can I be successful?” To reduce our new students’ fears of failure, we might share tips and strategies that previous students have found helpful. We can assure students that we expect them to succeed—and believe they will. We might also share with students the supports available should they begin to struggle.

“Is this a class that I will enjoy?” The answer to this question rests on what students have learned from the first five questions. If students feel that we are interested in them and want them to feel accepted, and if they believe that they can participate and be successful, this is likely to be a class to which they will look forward and in which they will invest.

We only have one opportunity to get off to a good start. It is worth the time and effort to think through what students want to know and how we can provide the information and assurance they will be seeking.

Thought for the Week

By recognizing the source of our anxiety and taking steps to counter it, we can minimize its impact and find the freedom to be our best selves.

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