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Dishearteningly, we have witnessed again the ultimate sacrifice by educators in protection of their students. Appropriately, the news media, national and state leaders, and local communities are holding up these acts as deserving of our deepest honor and gratitude. However, too often such acts are presented without an important context.


Those outside of the education profession too often miss the reality that protecting students is a natural, consistent, and integral part of the lives of educators. Educators spend their days protecting the hopes and dreams of students who struggle to learn. They encourage, coach, worry, and nudge to build skills and stimulate learning progress. 


Whether scraped knees and small bruises or bloody noses and broken bones, educators are often the first responders and immediate caregivers. They are vigilant about seeing dangers and anticipating activities in the classroom and school that may present risks. They are quick to recognize behaviors that may threaten the safety of students themselves or others and move to prevent and intervene at the first signs of danger.  


Educators often spend their evenings and weekends wondering and worrying about students’ lives outside of school. Are their parents fighting? Is there enough to eat? Do they have a safe place to sleep? Will they be ready and able to learn when they return to school? Are there emotional bruises and breaks that will need attention? 


They think about their students’ futures and whether they are on track. Will they master the ability to read, learn their math skills and progress at a pace that leads to success? Will they be accepted into the college that matches their needs or find a job to support them and a future family? When motivation and learning wane, teachers quickly become preoccupied with what they can do and how they can protect students so they will not have to suffer the consequences of not learning and preparing for future success.  


The jarring reality of a mortal threat is not a circumstance for which we can or should have to be fully prepared. We hope that such a decision will never be required. Yet, the instinct to protect is already present.

Thought for the Week

The future of our students and our society depends on sustained advocacy for what matters and what will make our shared future better.

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