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The Master Teacher is the creator of The Museum of Art + Light in Manhattan, Kansas, the grand opening of which is THIS FRIDAY, 8 November.

It was built at this time because the research is so clear that children who are in the visual and performing arts in our schools out-perform all other students, and this is particularly important in this new high-tech era. The Master Teacher passionately supports the arts and advocates for arts education to be an integral component within the public-school core curriculum.

The first of its kind, the MoA+L boasts its unique vision to explore the limitless convergence of visual art, the creative process, and digital technology. Its mission is to bridge 21st century technology with the visual and performing arts to incite positive emotion, cultivate meaningful connections, encourage artistic exploration, and spark innovation.

Visit the museum website and purchase tickets now!

Thought for the Week

Please accept our gratitude for the things you do without planning, expected recognition, or even a second thought that make a significant and lifelong difference for the young lives you touch each day!

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