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Heidi Foley, principal of Holy Angels Academy, uses the Top 20 Frame model of See-Feel-Do-Get to affect professional decision-making regarding student achievement.

In her presentation, “Data-informed Instruction with Professional Learning Communities and Common Assessments,” at the National Catholic Education Association Conference on April 17th, Heidi posed the question, “What do we do when student achievement data has not reached the standard we want it to be?”

When teachers know what students have learned and what they have not learned, they can respond as Bottom 80s or Top 20s. As Bottom 80s, they can:

  1. Change nothing and continue to teach their students with the same methods and strategies that failed to get desired results in the first place.
  2. Have their need to be right activated and give away power by blaming the students: “The kids didn’t study enough.” They can even see themselves as victims: “There’s too much to do. I don’t have enough time to teach all this and do everything else.” This results in their being stuck in yuck.

See -> Feel -> Do -> Get

Another option is to operate as Top 20s.

They can get curious and change how they see the situation and their students. They can analyze the data to see what worked in the classroom and what didn’t. They can even check in with their students for their opinion about what didn’t work and what might be more effective. By avoiding blame and maintaining curiosity, they will see it differently and do it differently. As such, they are more likely to make a positive difference in their students’ achievement and experience.

Top 20 Training empowers students, parents, teachers, and coaches to develop their potential and make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of others. Having worked with over 500,000 teachers and educational leaders nationwide, they have developed one-of-a-kind training seminars that are practical and immediately applicable. They also offer support materials (books, curricula, teacher’s manuals, and inservice kits) to help teachers effectively implement Top 20 content into their classrooms. Visit us at www.top20training.com or follow us on Twitter @top20training

Thought for the Week

As we approach the beginning of the new school year, it would be wise for us to develop and share with parents the information and reassurance they seek while also setting the stage for a strong, positive relationship.

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